Henry County Gun Club MEMBERSHIP
3. HOLD HARMLESS Agreement
**NOTE: **
If Applicant does not bring application and membership fee to BOG meeting, application and membership fee can be mailed or turned in by Applicant’s Sponsor.
“Do not email application”.
Application must be approved by BOG prior to Applicant receiving credit for any application checklist requirements, i.e. attending three scheduled events. Any events prior to BOG approval will not count and will have to be re-attended.
Applicant can participate in any scheduled event at any time during the application process. When collecting the Event Attendance Signatures (EAS) Applicant is encouraged but not required to participate.
This will provide the Applicant with 1st hand working knowledge of the different types of Matches, Range orientations, and Safety procedures.
If just clicking the “Application”, “Safety Checklist” or “Hold Harmless Agreement” (at the top of the page) does not open it for you, then try right-clicking on it and for Internet Explorer, “save target as”, for Firefox, “save link as”. This will save the file to your computer. You can open it from there as long as you have a copy of Adobe Reader on your computer. See below on how to get a current copy.
Downloading Adobe Reader In a Nutshell
- All PDF files require the most current version of Adobe Reader to view. If you currently have a version lower than 7.0 and are experiencing difficulties in opening the page you might want to consider upgrading to the newest version.
- After reading the below steps click on this Adobe icon
to get the Adobe Reader.
- Download the Adobe Reader program onto your hard drive.
How to avoid the most common mistake: Write down the exact name of the download file. Most people forget the name.
How to avoid the second most common mistake: After you’ve downloaded the file, realize that you’re not done yet! You still have to execute the file! - Close down your browser and any other programs that are running on your computer
- Find the file you downloaded and double-click on it to execute it.
- Get back on the Internet where you will now be able to view any PDF file.
Okay, that’s it! If you still have trouble viewing the document, please your Sponsor or any other BOG member for further support.